I frequently get asked how we keep our house so clean with multiple animals. My not-so-secret trick? A good vacuum! As someone with multiple shedding dogs, a cat, and a bunny, I need a vacuum that can handle all of their fur. If you have multiple animals you know how hard it can be to find a vacuum that can keep up.

For the past few months (about 5 months to be exact), I’ve been testing out the Dyson Animal Ball 2 and I’m so excited to share my full review!
Let’s start with the pros of the Dyson Animal Ball 2. It’s super powerful and I think a huge part of that is because it plugs directly into an outlet.

This vacuum is great with fur & doesn’t get clogged up. The tank is pretty large so it doesn’t get filled up super fast which makes vacuuming our whole house so much easier. It has a large filter as well so you don’t have to change that as frequently as some other vacuums I’ve had in the past. But just remember to change it haha! We’re honestly bad with changing filters but it’s important for the life of the vacuum!

The vacuum works great on rugs and hardwoods. I love the versatility of the vacuum considering we have many different surfaces in our home that need cleaning! It is super convenient to have one powerful vacuum that can handle any surface. The only exception to this statement is that I have found that thinner rugs get pulled up easily which shuts the vacuum off and you have to pull it out of the roller. 😁
I really love the attachments that come with the vacuum as well. We use the shorter attachment on our couch and it pulls all of the animal hair and dirt off so well! I also love the traditional long attachment for baseboards and hard-to-reach areas.

Now let’s dive into some of the cons of the Dyson Animal Ball 2. Overall this vacuum is on the higher end price point-wise which can be a con. BUT this vacuum is super high quality and built to last, which means you won’t have to worry about getting a new vacuum frequently.
It is a pretty large piece of equipment and we don’t have a nice place to store it away. It just sits in our 1st-floor bathroom, which is fine but I would prefer to have a good place to put it. If you have a storage closet with extra floor space that would be a more suitable place in my opinion.

Not only is it large, but it’s also pretty heavy so carrying it up and down the stairs is a little bit of a burden. If you have several floors in your house you might not love moving the vacuum from one floor to another. In addition, the pull-out attachment is pretty long but it doesn’t stretch very well. It ends up pulling the entire vacuum with it, so you have to be super careful when vacuuming stairs!
Overall Review

While it is a higher-priced vacuum I’ve found it to be 100% worth the investment. It is the strongest vacuum I have owned and works really well to clean up all of the fur from our pets. For me, the strength & versatility of the vacuum outweighs the large size & weight of the vacuum. It does everything I need it to and keeps up with multiple pets really well!
I hope my review of the Dyson Animal Ball 2 helps you to decide if this vacuum would be a good fit for you and your home. If you have any other questions, let me know in the comments & I’d be happy to answer them for you!